Friday, December 7, 2012

PowerPoint Project on Cosplay Culture

So for my CGS1060 Class we had a project to do with Power point in a group. Sharom and I decided to do our presentation on Cosplay Culture. We decided on how we would construct it. I would find the information and input it on powerpoint and she would edit and make the power point visually aesthetic.  I will leave a video to give you a taste of how our power point was basically about.

For now I will just screen cap the slides ( we had to do 15 slides the rest were just pictures of cosplays, I will just put up the important part of the powerpoint slides here)

Friday, November 16, 2012


Today in class we learned how to use powerpoint. Its a program that allows you to make a presentation. Its a pretty basic program that I already know the basics of. but there were some functions in powerpoint that I wasn't aware of until today. Highlighting the text in your presentation could be pretty useful as well as putting in some footnotes in the powerpoint. Overall I learned some small but usefule tips on how to improve my future presentations in powerpoint!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Use of MicrosoftWord in the Future

So far using Microsoftword in this class has shown me many new applications I never thought would work. Now that I know how to use certain tolls and apply them to my work I dont have to worry so much about cititing my work properly because microsoft word can do that for me easily with no problem. I Also find the use of table to help format you document for certain things very useful and I hope I can remember that so I can use it in the future.Also using special effects on fonts and wordart to help make your document look appealing to the eye can prove to be very useful and vital to the document. I am glad I learned so much about This program because now I can apply this to a real life setting .


Today in class we learned about the basics of Excel. Its basically software that allows you to write calculations, financial reports, payroll. Basically all of that complicated math stuff and helps you with formula's and what not to make it simpler to keep track of expenses or whatever you wish to use excel for. the Fill Handle can be pretty usefil for inputting informations like number,days of the week and months in cells so you dont have to manually write them down. I think that's a really good idea.

It basically does the math for me! And I dont have to worry about it since I am bad with math hehe!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Table customization

So lat class we were learning about table and how to customize them.So I saved a few pictures to go through the process of the table costumization.

This is the table ribbon. it shows different kinds of layouts for you table. But we didn't do anything we that. I am trying to get rid of my borders so I didn't mess with that.
I am giving my resume Borders on the top and bottom of it to make it look nice
This is the theme tab for the table, it can be found under the design tab.
This is what my resume looks like before  with the table.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Resume Project

Today in CGS 1060 we worked on making a resume. We learned how to use the table tool to help create our resume.We applied basic microsoft word skills and learned how to use the table tool, merging the rows and formatting it in a specific way.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Microsoftword 2010

This week in class we finally get to use microsoftword 2010. We worked on  an information handout,we learned different tasks like aligning and formatting the document.We explored different ways and short cuts on how to format our document, like using format painter etc. etc. Its nice to rediscover the different shortcuts and apply it firsthand on the word document. Practicing these techniques is rather simple and easy to do.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


here. have a self portrait of myself .

What is a blog?

I have no idea how to explain what a blog is. I think its something like a journal on the internet that you share with the public. >o> Um yeah ...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Computers and Shortcuts

Today in class I learned about computer basics. The computer is basically an electronic device. There are micro computers like; notebooks,laptops,tablets and smartphones. the computer can be used for networking,business ,multi-tasking and research.Hardware is equipment connected onto the computer that allows input and output ( ex. keyboard is input, monitor is output). I also learned how to use keyboard shortcuts in memopad ctrl+A selects the whole document, ctrl+E centers the selected text, ctril+L moves the selected text to the left side of the document, ctrl+home moves the cursor back to the beginning of the document. I find the shortcuts to be useful ,quick and easy to use.