Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Microsoftword 2010

This week in class we finally get to use microsoftword 2010. We worked on  an information handout,we learned different tasks like aligning and formatting the document.We explored different ways and short cuts on how to format our document, like using format painter etc. etc. Its nice to rediscover the different shortcuts and apply it firsthand on the word document. Practicing these techniques is rather simple and easy to do.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


here. have a self portrait of myself .

What is a blog?

I have no idea how to explain what a blog is. I think its something like a journal on the internet that you share with the public. >o> Um yeah ...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Computers and Shortcuts

Today in class I learned about computer basics. The computer is basically an electronic device. There are micro computers like; notebooks,laptops,tablets and smartphones. the computer can be used for networking,business ,multi-tasking and research.Hardware is equipment connected onto the computer that allows input and output ( ex. keyboard is input, monitor is output). I also learned how to use keyboard shortcuts in memopad ctrl+A selects the whole document, ctrl+E centers the selected text, ctril+L moves the selected text to the left side of the document, ctrl+home moves the cursor back to the beginning of the document. I find the shortcuts to be useful ,quick and easy to use.